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Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins

Released - November 3rd, 2022

Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins to Integrate into Your Website
If you are looking for a WordPress utility to integrate maps on your website, this post titled Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins will definitely help you choose the perfect one. Here we have collected 5 most used and extremely worthy Google Map plugins, and analyzed and evaluated their features and functionalities in depth. The selected WordPress plugins offer the most convincing usability for the best user-experience in order for your website to ensure the maximum reach and engagement.

Why are WordPress Google Map Plugins Important?

Though you can embed maps on your website manually using the official Google Map website with some effort, it is much easier to integrate, manipulate, and manage them with WordPress plugins. Most of the plugins just require the Google Map API code to render awesome customized maps with modern, trending UI essential for better user-experience. They also necessarily generate shortcodes to use and embed maps anywhere on the webpages. However, the reproduction of Google Maps using WordPress plugins is super-easy and extremely flexible.

Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins at a Glance

Take a quick look at the best WordPress plugins for Google Maps that we are going to be reviewing shortly. The Google Map plugins come with modern, trending features and functionalities to comprehensively present your business location as well as other geo-information. So, check out our list of the top 5 WordPress Google Map plugins below –

  1. 1. WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps)
  2. 2. MapPress Maps
  3. 3. Easy Google Maps
  4. 4. 10WebMapBuilder
  5. 5. Simple Shortcode for Google Maps

Reviewing Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins to Integrate into Your Website

Let’s dive into the detailed analysis of the individual Google Map WordPress plugins where we have discussed different aspects of each utility e’g features, functionalities, accessibility, UI, and usability etc.

1 / Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins : WP Go Maps

1st of Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins - WP Go Maps
WP Go Maps is one of the best WordPress Google Map Plugins with rich, intuitive features to utilize in order to add customized map, map block, or store locator to posts and pages. Using the shortcode generated by the utility can be used to produce instant maps on contact pages, blog posts, or other areas for the greater engagement of your WordPress website. Store location, business area, delivery points, and other service whereabouts can be essentially presented with various map elements such as customized markers, succinct descriptive texts, directions, and landmarks etc.
The WP Go Map WordPress plugin comes with a free version that offers all the essential features required to attach Google maps on your website. The main features include Multiple Markers, Responsive Map Layouts, 9 Theme Variations, Custom Map Themes, Streetview Support, Map Widget, Map Types (roadmap, terrain, satellite, and hybrid), Animated Marker, Polygons, Polylines, Routes, and Map Blocks etc. Other features include Latest Google Maps API, OpenLayers API, Store Locator, Autocomplete, Map Dimensions Customizability, Caching Plugins Compatibility, Cloudflare Compatibility, and UTF-8 Character Support etc.
The premium Professional WP Go Map comes with lots of additional features including Multiple Maps, Different Marker Icons, Advanced Store Location, Retina-ready Marker Icons, Multiple Map Widgets, Modern Infowindow, as well as adding Descriptions, Links, Images, and Categories to Markers etc., which set it apart to be one of the top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins out there in the market.



2 / Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins : MapPress Maps

2nd of Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins - MapPress Maps
MapPress Maps is one of most used WordPress Google Map plugins coming with numerous convincing features to add interactive Google Maps to posts, pages, sidebars, and footers etc. in WordPress websites. Using the Gutenberg Block or the classic editor modern stunning Google Maps and Leaflet Maps can be reproduced right on your websites in seconds, In fact, MapPress Maps is the easiest way to integrate Google Maps for the location of the stores, outlets, show-rooms, as well as other businesses and companies in order to engage larger audience.
The Google Map WordPress plugin comes in both free and pro versions. The premium version offers lots of additional advanced features and functionalities. The compelling MapPress plugin features include Unlimited Maps and Markers, Customized Maps, Clustered Markers, Responsive Maps, Custom Map Dimensions, PHP Generated Maps, Custom Marker Upload, Map Widgets, Advanced Custom Fields etc.
Other MapPress Maps features include Maps Generated from Custom Fields, Filter Locations by Taxonomies, Tags, and Categories, Gutenberg Mashup Block, Advanced Map Search, Store Locators, WPML Compatibility, Multisite Compatibility, KML Map Overlays, Polygons, Circles, and Lines, Directions, Custom Texts, Photos, Links, and Descriptions, and Marker Editor with Thousands of Icons, Shapes, and Colors.



3 / Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins : Easy Google Maps

3rd of Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins - Easy Google Maps
Easy Google Maps has secured its place to be one of the top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins for its extensive features and functionalities extremely useful for presenting your business location, direction, and routes etc. with various map elements including markers, videos, images, links, and text descriptions etc. The interactive Google Maps can be placed on different sections of a website like contact page, about page, individual blog post, sidebar, and footer etc using widgets as well as the shortcodes generated by the WordPress plugin. The plugin features and functionalities only leverage your audience engagement, and your traffic grows to a significant degree.
The WordPress Google Maps integration utility comes with several compelling features including Unlimited Locations and Markers, Responsive Maps, Import and Export Options for Maps and Markers, Alternate Routes and Directions, Table View of Markers, Exposition Slider, KML Layers (Traffic, Transit, Bicycle, Heatmap) and Filters etc.
Other notable plugin features include Drawing Figures and Paths on the Map, Premade and Custom Map Themes, Map Markers Clusterization, Location Groups, Leaflet Maps, Info Window, Front-end Editing for Markers and Maps, Integrated Social Buttons, and Map Engine etc.



4 / Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins : 10WebMapBuilder

4th of Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins - 10WebMapBuilder
10WebMapBuilder offers all the modern, trending Google maps reproduction features and functionalities to best utilize in a WordPress website for showcasing business location, storefronts, branch/outlet/showroom points, delivery areas, and service networks etc. via different map elements such as markers, paths and routes, videos, images, and text descriptions etc.
The WordPress map builder plugin comes with numerous compelling features including Unlimited Maps, Multiple Markers, Responsive Maps, Marker Categories, Map Listing Groups, Map Import and Export, Premade and Custom Themes, Store Locators, and Routes and Directions etc.
10WebMapuilder also offers lots of other effective features such as Multiple Map Layers (road, traffic, satellite, terrain, or hybrid etc.), Google Maps Controls, Shapes (circles, rectangles, polygons etc), Map Types (bicycle, transit, traffic, and KML etc.), and Marker Clustering etc.



5 / Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins : Simple Shortcode for Google Maps

5th of Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins - Simple Shortcode for Google Maps
Simple Shortcode for Google Maps is a convenient WordPress plugin for inserting Google Maps into website pages, posts, sidebars, footers, as well as other places simply using shortcodes. The corresponding shortcodes to your business location, store locators, and other whereabouts are usually generated by the plugin which can be used shortly to reproduce respective Google Maps on various places of the website. Placing the generated shortcode in WordPress editor at a specific point, the corresponding maps can be inserted on pages, posts, sidebars, or anywhere. However, the map dimensions can be customized according to yuur requirement.



Choosing the Best One from These Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins

Though we have reviewed the Top 5 WordPress Google Map Plugins, a quick resolution for the perfect one that resonates with your website’s theme and purpose is quite impossible. We primarily suggest that you go for the free versions of the plugins recommended above and experiment with their features and find out which one serves your purpose the most. This way you will also be able to find out which one offers the additional advanced features that you direly need and if the extended features and functionalities are worth the purchase cost.