
Portfolio HTML5 Template     

Released - 22 September, 2022

Lio Design is a  responsive personal portfolio layout which can be utilized to demonstrate your inventiveness. It’s an ideal decision for a designer, engineer, specialist, developer, content writer, Instructor, Photographer, Freelancer, Politician, Software engineer, Teacher or some other expert who needs to speak to his abilities and inventive work. Lio Design is well documented, very easy to use, Easily Customized, loads faster and provides better performance.

Lio Design Awesome Features

  1. 2 Home Version
  2. Bootstrap 5
  3. HTML5, CSS3, SASS
  4. Fully Responsive
  5. SEO Optimized Elements and Contents
  6. Cross-browser Compatible
  7. Well Documented
  8. Valid HTML5 / CSS3
  9. 100% Customizable
  10. Legible Typography
  11. Revolution Slider
  12. Info-graphic Icons and Buttons
  13. Sample Page Layout
  14. Blog Page Layouts
  15. Pixel Perfect Design
  16. Font Awesome Icons
  17. Goolge Fonts
  18. Active Contact Form
  19. Easy to Use and Customize
  20. 24/7 Post Support
  21. And many more…



Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.

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